#FF200R12KT4 infineon FF200R12KT4 New IGBT Modules N-CH 1.2KV and 200A~400A, FF200R12KT4 pictures, FF200R12KT4 price, #FF200R12KT4 supplier
Email: sales@shunlongwei.com
Email: sales@shunlongwei.com
FF200R12KT4 Datasheet
Kollektor-Emitter-Sperrspannung Collector-emittervoltage VCES 1200 V
Kollektor-Dauergleichstrom ContinuousDCcollectorcurrent IC 200A
PeriodischerKollektor-Spitzenstrom Repetitivepeakcollectorcurrent ICP 400A
Gesamt-Verlustleistung Totalpowerdissipation TC = 25°C, Tvj max = 175°C Ptot 1100 W
Gate-Emitter-Spitzenspannung Gate-emitterpeakvoltage VGES +/-20 V
TemperaturimSchaltbetrieb Temperatureunderswitchingconditions Tvj op -40 150 °C
Height: 30.5 mm
Length: 106.4 mm
IGBT Modules N-CH 1.2KV and 200A~400A
Shunlongwei Inspected Every FF200R12KT4 Before Ship, All FF200R12KT4 with 6 months warranty.